We understand that if we don't grow the next generation of seedlings we won't have more Australian startups to fund

Our investment in these start-ups allows them to create financial structures that focus first on the success of their business and second on getting their product to retain its origin in Australia.

About Us

"You know, find something to celebrate, well that's just so important...to have a dream, that's why you're there."


We’re also not blind to our current environment in Australian S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, and Engineering & Maths) skills – we understand that if we don’t grow the next generation of seedlings we won’t have more Australian start-ups to fund.

To this end, a proportion of our fund and all future earnings will be spent on youth S.T.E.M. programs.

Our Founder

Our founders, Sandy Eastman and Greg Miller, have spent a combined 58 years in the tech industry and are passionate believers in building a stronger Australia... one that will be globally competitive in the face of the 4th Industrial Revolution.